Moths & Bats
- Common Swift
- Yellow-barred Longhorn
- Skin Moth
- Fulvous Clothes Moth
- Bird's-nest Moth
- Common Nettle-tap
- Netted Argent
- Ash Bud Moth
- Diamond-back Moth
- Golden-brown Tubic
- Brindled Flat-body
- London Dowd
- Plain Conch
- Common Yellow Conch
- Hemlock Yellow Conch
- Chamomile Conch
- Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
- Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
- Variegated Golden Tortrix
- Privet Tortri
- White-barred Tortrix
- Yellow Oak Button
- Green Oak Tortrix
- Barred Marble
- Common Marble
- Plum Tortrix
- Marbled Orchard Tortrix
- Triple-blotched Bell
- Hoary Bell
- Codling Moth
- Common Drill
- Garden Grass-veneer
- Inlaid Grass-veneer
- Hook-tip Grass-veneer
- Meadow Grey
- Common Grey
- Marsh Grey
- Ringed China-mark
- Small Magpie
- Olive Pearl
- Meal Moth
- Thistle Ermine
- False Cacao moth
- Brown Plume
- Pebble Hook-tip
- Blood-vein
- Treble Brown Spot
- Riband Wave [non-banded form]
- Garden Carpet
- Common Carpet
- Yellow Shell
- Barred Straw
- Common Marbled Carpet
- Spruce Carpet
- Green Carpet
- May Highflyer
- Green Pug
- Scorched Carpet
- Scorched Wing
- Peppered Moth
- Willow Beauty
- Mottled Beauty
- Engrailed
- Clouded Silver
- Light Emerald
- Privet Hawk-moth
- Eyed Hawk-moth
- Elephant Hawk-moth
- Buff-tip
- Swallow Prominent
- Pale Tussock
- White Ermine
- Buff Ermine
- Cinnabar
- Heart and Dart
- Flame
- Flame Shoulder
- Large Yellow Underwing
- Ingrailed Clay
- Small Square-spot
- Setaceous Hebrew Character
- Double Square-spot
- Bright-line Brown-eye
- Hebrew Character
- White-point
- Smoky Wainscot
- Poplar Grey
- Coronet
- Bird's Wing
- Brown Rustic
- Dark Arches
- Light Arches
- Middle-barred Minor
- Treble Lines
- Mottled Rustic
- Pale Mottled Willow
- Green Silver-lines
- Burnished Brass
- Beautiful Golden Y
- Spectacle
- Straw Dot
- Snout
- Marbled Minor agg.
- Common Rustic agg.
- Uncertain/Rustic agg.
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